
Access token

A string granted by the authorization server used to identify the issuer of a request. The access token has to be sent to the resource server every time that the client want to access to protected resources.

BEdita REST API uses JSON Web Token as access token. It can be sent as Authorization HTTP header (preferred) using a Bearer scheme

Authorization: Bearer <token>

or as query string /endpoint?access_token=<token>

JSON Web Token

JSON Web Tokens are an open, industry standard RFC 7519 method for representing claims securely between two parties.

A JWT is composed by three parts:

  • an header containing informations about the token type and algorithm used. It is Base64URL encoded.
  • a payload containing informations in the form of claims (informations we want to transmit). It is Base64URL encoded.
  • a signature used to verify the authenticity of the JWT using an valid algorithm defined by JSON Web Signature (JWS) specification (for example a shared secret HMAC).

More info here.

Refresh token
An opaque token issued by the authorization server. It is useful to renew an expired access token without send the user credentials again. This token doesn’t expire but can be revoked by DELETE /auth/(string:refresh_token)
Upload token

An opaque token issued from API server that refers to a file uploaded from a client with an authenticated user and for a specific object type. It is used to link an uploaded file to a BEdita object as shown in Uploading files section.

The token has a an expiration date. If used after that expiration date the request will be invalid.