

BEdita4 uses CakePHP Migrations plugin for schema creation and update. Schema migration files are located in plugins/BEdita/Core/config/Migrations and they are basically PHP files that describe database schema evolution.

With simple shell commands you can check migration status and perform schema update. See also db_admin shell command to perform schema check and initialization.

A MySQL schema file, provided for convenience only, is available in plugins/BEdita/Core/config/schema/be4-schema-mysql.sql. It’s not used anywhere in BEdita but it may be used as a quick reference.

ER Diagram

A simple ER diagram is displayed here to give you a glimpse of BEdita4 core schema. Don’t use it as a reference though: we will keep an updated version of this diagram, but some tables or fields may still be missing.



The recommended way to create a schema migration is to use the bake shell.

In your terminal, run:

$ bin/cake bake resources_migration MigrationsName

This command will generate two files in your config/Migrations folder:

  • YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_MigrationName.php: this is the file used as reference in the phinxlog
  • YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_MigrationName.yml: this will contain the real content of the migration

Then, you can use the yaml syntax to describe the migration:

# MigrationName migration




In the following example, we are going to add a property to the profiles model, as well as a relation with the documents model:

# AddAuthorStuff migration

    - name: pen_name
      object: profiles
      property: text
    - name: author_of
      label: Author of
      inverse_name: authored_by
      inverse_label: Authored by
      description: Author relation
        - profiles
        - documents